Thursday, February 28, 2008

Bill Interviews Venom - Part 1

Bill: So why the name Venom? Does it have anything to do with the comic book character?

Venom: No "Useless". It is what the name implies...poison. I have been often told that my words are full of poison.

Bill: Well, why do it then?
Venom: Well for two reasons...1. Provocation. Provocation breeds dislike, and dislike attracts people.

Bill: So why do you want them to come after you?
Venom: For the 2nd reason...there are a lot people who have no insight or clairvoyance of reality. Now is a very dangerous time for America. However, I digress...The Far-Left Ideology is a flawed ideology well rooted in emotion. When a person is emotional, it is difficult to talk sense to them...So I have to 'CUT' through that emotion. I choose specifically design words that CUT DEEP. And the only reason it cuts deep is because they are emotional based thinkers.

Bill: So what is your humilate the Far-Left?
Venom: Don't get so self-rightous with me Bill-Bo!!!!!

Bill: Sorry
Venom: I is funny to say the things I do. But no...I don't wake up in the morning and say "Who can I humilate today". It just comes with the territory. But like I that 'Provocation' lures people to you. The more they get to know me then the more they come to understand me..and therefore come to appreciate my views. It is my goal to 'enlighten' people.

Bill: Can't you enlighten people by being nice?
Venom: LOOK!!!! IS THIS a g**DAMN INTERVIEW! Or the Dr. Phil Show!!!!?
Bill: Sorry Just asking..

Venom: As I was saying...being nice and talking common sense to emotional people is like flies to a water buffalo.
Bill: How do you figure?
Venom: Jesus Christ man!!!! Do you see a Water Buffalo swapping flies around his ass? My point is this, man; Emotional people in this case,...far-left wackos...are not tolerant of those who disagree with them....So I hit them were it hurts...By using their Low-Emotional Intelligence against them. It is brilliant strategy I tell you. BRILLIANT!!!!

Bill: I see.
Venom: Can I go now?
Bill: Just one more question...what makes you the sole authority to say the things you do?
Venom: Great question!!! Buy The Book!

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