Friday, February 29, 2008

Venom's Hillary Prediction

Okay...I'll just spell it out.

If Hillary loses the Presidency or doesn't become the nominee...she will decide not to continue as Senator for New York. Why?

1. Because she'll realize that there is no point in waiting around for her next chance. The dreadful reality: She is getting older. She knows this is pretty much her last and only chance at the crown.
2. and more than likely there will be a strong Republican opposition vying for her seat in the Senate. She could stay...but then what would be the point...she has given enough dirt for from this campaign alone...(can you say "willing suspension of disbelief" and driver's license?). So she will decide not run just to avoid the possibility of a back to back defeat. She wouldn't want that in the history books.

But this decision will not go without criticism. The ruthless 'right wing conspiracy' will continue to hound at her, "See! I told you so. She was never interested in caring for New Yorkers. She just wanted to be President. Else she would have stayed for the long haul" would be a legitimate accusation (whether she was a Republican or Democrat).
So Hillary will make the decision and save face and leave the Senate.

But the story is not over....

In comes Chelsea...

You see...Hillary is ambitious (nothing wrong with that)...but I would sense she would want some kind vindication...,and I think she will have a huge influence on what Chelsea decides to do with the rest of her life. The beauty with Chelsea is that she has her mother's political mistakes to learn from. It would be like going back in time and starting all over again.

Now...yes...this is far fetch prediction...but it is intriguing to speculate.

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