Thursday, February 28, 2008

La Femme V'enom

Some of you may how I came to be.

It's very simple. I am product of the Left-Wing Gone Wrong. Use to be liberal in some aspects...but then had a reality check. It was a reality check I will always be grateful for. It was the day I truly felt liberated.

Like most formal liberals, we understand the breed that today's liberalism creates...we understand it's dark secrets...the emotions that drive them..., their weaknesses, and what they fear most. One of the reasons liberals don't like a liberal dissenters is because we know too much about them...and we make them look very hypocritical.

Think of me as a Rebel against Rebels. (Now that is hip....I mean...why just be a 'Sith'? When you can be a 'Sith' who hunts the 'Sith')....I digress.

Eventually, I converted to conservative values....and NOT BECAUSE OF GOD. THOUGH I LOVE HIM AS MUCH AS I CAN. But because I reasoned that conservative values make sense. They are founded on common sense and years of philosophical realism.

but now...I know longer consider myself Conservative. They are above me, and would probably not sanction the vitriol I use against the 'Far-Left'. Most Conservatives (Democrat or Republican) have class

...So I work in parallel with them. An enemy of my enemy, is my friend, right? So I adopted the mantra of being 'Anti-Far Left' i.e. ACLU, The Hollywood Left, George Soros, Code Pink, etc.

Why Anti-Far Left and not Conservative?...because most Conservatives are bounded by gentlemen rules...They show too much tolerance towards the crass behavior of the Far-Left. So I changed the rules...I decided to use poison to kill poison. Hence the name, Venom. I'm using Far-Left Tactics against the Far Left. And you know what? THEY DON'T LIKE IT. IN FACT...THEY DESPISE IT.

And that is my point...I am a direct reflection of the Far-Left. They hate the very thing they spew. So they have a choice: either change...or I will just continue to berate them. I don't lose sleep about it either way. I clearly understand the choices I make.

You see. One can never lose against a far-left ideologist...because reason is not on their side. The Far-Left's worst enemy is none other than themselves...or those who used to be like them. Make no mistake about it. This is not hate. I am just fulfilling the prophecy..."What goes around, comes around". I'm giving them exactly the measure they use on others.

Hence here I am....a realist. And I never turned back. (Ladies..remember this...a realist will always be more superior to an idealist. This may not be clear now...but you will come to understand it) purpose here is to absorb the far-left hatred the point where they continue to exhaust themselves on a periodic basis. You see...many will battle me by using hate. Which plays right into my hands. The more they hate...the more it destroys them from the inside out to the point where it reaches critical mass. And eventually they will just get tired....tired of spewing hate. They will realize it is not worth it...because they will hate the very thing they have turned into.

Artistic isn't it?
The power to influence people based on understanding THEIR own human emotion. I hate the far-left? No...I just acknowledge how dangerous they themselves and to this country.

Part of me feels sorry for them. Call it the CHRISTIAN WORK IN PROGRESS side of me (LoL). They live in a hellish world, full of madness and hate. And it has nothing to do with principle. They have personality issues...THAT THEY ARE NOT EVEN AWARE OF. I mean ...they don't even understand what they believe in...or why they believe in it. It really sucks to be them....because many will waste their entire lives believing in a flawed ideology....only at the very end of their life realizing that it was all joke, a lie, and a farce. I have no choice but to tell it how it is....for their sake.

But they have made a choice to pursue a life of destruction...

So to the far-left, I know I have intrigued you....because all this $hit I just said, just blew your mind away. And you know it to be true...even maybe grinding your teeth at me.
...which I find amusing actually.

...and you might be tempted to hate me. It doesn't matter. I already live your mind.

So...I throw this olive branch to you...learn from me or suffer the fate you will create for yourself. Don't waste the next 20 years of your life only to understand what I'm telling you now. Resistance is futile. I mean....aren't you the least bit curious...on how much I know about you?

In some weird sadistic way...I'm here to help you. Come to my bossom, and let me embrace you. For I will love you......or some shit like that. LoL

Someone once said..."The Lord works in mysterious ways".......yep you know the one.

The choice is yours.

Yours Truly,

God Bless America - (pssst...Far-Left...I know that infuriates you tooo....remember this is one of those 'personality issues' I was telling you about)

P.s. - I find it intriguing that despite as much vitriol I spew many find a benign attraction....or rather an obsession towards me......

Amazing isn't it? The Power of P***y. LoL

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