Monday, March 17, 2008

Peace, Love,...and the American Soldier

There is a stark difference between peace protestors and those who serve on the front lines preserving peace.

Obviously, one is more about talk than the other.

Now instead of criticizing anti-war and peace protesters directly (because only they know what they truly believe in... and I cannot say that being against war is wrong...I just question how much they really understand peace).

I will, instead, spell it out in this fashion.... I will talk about the American Soldier.
Then you decide who knows more about peace.

Everyday, the American Soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan are on the front lines.

They are more than just warriors. They are ambassadors. They are representatives of their country. They are friends to local civilians. They are benefactors.....and most importantly...they are guardians of peace.

They go out every day in the mist of adversity, knowingly that someone (maybe someone they trusted in the local populace) is out to kill them.

And Yet....

The American Soldier through all the IEDs, sniper shots, car bombs, and set backs are out there
-Medical Assistance (Sometimes to the insurgents after they shot them up)
-Water facilities
-Toys for Children
-School Supplies for teachers.

The list is endless.

You see folks. These are Acts of Love.

Peace is not just talking about it. It's not just Protesting about it. It's not about holding demonstrations.

It's performing Acts of Love. No one knows this better than the American Soldier. They know the world isn't black and white. They know it's not about making it perfect...but about making a bad situation better. They know what the stakes are.

And yet while many Claim to Know Peace. Talk about Peace. Sing About Peace.
The American Soldier brings Peace.

So you tell me. Who knows more about peace?

God Bless America...and the American Soldier

Marion 'Grace' Jones?

We all know the story of Marion Jones - The 5 Time Olympic Medalist at the 2000 Summer Games in Sydney, Australia...only to fall from grace 7 years later after admitting she took performance-enhancing drugs.

But Marion, unlike many in Public Life, took a rare leap forward. She stepped up. Faced the public. And took responsibility, acknowledging her deeds as open as any 'Lost' child could.

In here words taken from NBC Sports (Click here for more)

“It’s with a great amount of shame that I stand before you and tell you that I have betrayed your trust,” Jones said, her voice cracking as her mother stood behind her, a strong and supportive hand on her shoulder.

“I have been dishonest and you have the right to be angry with me. I have let (my family) down. I have let my country down, and I have let myself down,” she said, pausing frequently to regain her composure. “I recognize that by saying I’m deeply sorry, it might not be enough and sufficient to address the pain and hurt that I’ve caused you.

“Therefore, I want to ask for your forgiveness for my actions, and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.”

Marion, unlike many, in the most geniune fashion...came clean. She did not try to hide from the public. She did not try to make excuses. She did not try to escape the consequences.

She acknowledged her shame. And most importantly...she acknowledged her just punishment.

How many people do we hear in public life try to fight their way out of dealing with the consequences?

Marion Jones warrants punishment....yes, I agree. I show no leniency towards her when it comes to what one deserves. It doesn't mean I despise her. It just means that there are consequences for individual behavior.

But unlike many, she has accepted her disgrace and shame. The First Tell Tale signs of changes in the heart. The First Tell Tale signs to accepting Grace.

As Americans we are a forgiving group of people. When someone like Marion Jones is on her knees acknowledging her shame and guilt and pleading for forgiveness....then we as Americans should embrace this embrace this child of America....and welcome her back.

No Matter what one says about Marion Jones. On Oct 5th 2007, Marion Jones became "free".

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Conservation Vs. Capitalism?

As a Capitalist...I'm a firm believer in Conservation.

Makes sense right?...Why destroy the resources that will help you profit?

It also makes sense to get the most bang out your buck with minimal waste.

I do believe in a clean planet and that each and every one of us should do our part on a individual basis to keep the planet clean...within reason.

Conservatives pride themselves on efficiency. They should. But that ethos should also carry over into taking care of the environment as well.

I love nature.

Nature is God's gift to us (I know that mentioning God pisses some of you guys off...and BTW...I don't care)

and we should do our best to take care of it.

Nature gives us the land to make trees to build houses. Nature gives us animals to hunt and to eat and to feed people. Nature helps us relax and free ourselves from the unnecessary burdens in life.

If we destroy nature then we end up hurting ourselves.

But guess what?...Human Beings are part of nature too...

The problem with some environmentalist is that they are WORST than political conservatives. They absolutely want 'no change' in the environment. They believe that by preserving the environment in its full natural state....meaning with no human intervention....will be the best thing to sustain the environment. To a degree....I agree. But they forget one thing

We are part of that environment too!
The evolution of the human species is design to technologically progress forward. So what does that mean? It means if you had to start the world over again...eventually people would re-invent the cars, telephones, nuclear power, etc etc..

There is no stopping it. Resistance is futile. are not going to get rid of Capitalism. It is here to stay.

And so by using sound reasoning...if you have something that will always be here...and you can't get rid of it...then maybe we ought to you use it. What's the saying..."Can't beat'm...Join'm."

And hence we have this conclusion...

"Capitalism and Nature Form a Mutual Symbiotic Relationship"
-One cannot sustain without the other, given the real world we live in

Now I welcome anyone who wants to use this as a graduate thesis. Run with it. This revelation needs to get out.

So here I explain....(Environmentalist bear with me)

What allows us to make better quality and efficient use of energy?
Technology right? The answer is yes.
What inspires technology?..........Creativity and Curiosity.
But what sustains that creativity and curiosity?......Demand.
and Demand fosters Capitalism....the supposedly Great Evil Against the Environment.

But let's go back to what I just said..."There is no stopping civilization exploiting the resources to better society". Just accept it. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE

So change your thinking. Instead of thwarting Capitalism,... use it. Make it work for you. Because the quickest way to facilitate creative people to innovate efficient technology is...can you guess what it is? Capitalism.

I know. You are starting to feel dirty.

The United the forefront of innovation...but if you impede the progress by non-sense regulation and frivolous lawsuits...then what have you really done? You have cut your own throat. Why? Because there are about 191 our countries who may not give a damn about regulations...and meanwhile they too are polluting the earth.

...and you know what? Population is booming and there will be more demand for energy, cars, etc...more green house gases. You follow me?

So it doesn't do us any good by slowing the US down. You are just holding everyone else back too. And thus only extending the timeline we continue to pollute this earth recklessly. Makes sense right?

Many third world nations are going through their own Industrial Revolutionary phase much like the United States and Europe did....and like us...with archaic technology. Hence they are re-inventing the wheel sucking up resources needlessly and inefficiently.... much like we did. But why let them go through that pain when we already learned it? What we have learned can be shared with them.

But must foster innovation in the United Boosting Capitalism.

How do we do this? Investing is one way (By promoting incentives to advance in new technology). Lowering capital gains taxes to foster capital growth and investments is another. And the hardest one for you all is... de-regulation. I cannot say what to de-regulate. There are smarter guys than me that can figure that out. But my point is this....don't be afraid to look into it. Don't be a Staunch Conservative for Christ Sakes!! LoL

Instead of resisting and complaining about Capitalism, figure out a way to use it. You might as well speed up technological advances in the United States...because that's the only way you're really going to get everyone else up to speed.

Environmentalist.... this your best friend.

I know this sours you...but don't let it be your albatross.

Get it? in part of the environment....never mind.

Venom Out

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Michael Moore & Me

About Universal Healthcare...and M&M (aka Michael Moore).

I'm not here to talk about Universal Healthcare in great detail.
It gives me a headache. It's very complicated and there are many factors that are associated with it. But I do acknowledge it is a problem...mainly because of affordability and quality. (And I do credit the Democrats for bringing it on the forefront of issues...however, I heavily doubt their solutions will make it any better. In fact, I think it will make it worst)

Now a lot people will say...they can't afford health insurance...
However, intuition also says... a lot of people don't put it as a priority either. I mean what do people spend their money on to begin with? I mean do you have to blow all your hard earn money on liquor? Okay bad example.

But we all know human nature...sometimes we don't prioritize it as our basic need...until something bad happens. We have forgotten the fundamentals. So from an individual standpoint...we need to look on how we can mitigate possible health care issues by using good judgment, plenty of exercise, and good dieting etc.

My intuition also tells me that a Government run healthcare, though sounds great... would add another layer of bureaucracy to an already complicated issue. Therefore slowing down the process, allocating funds to unnecessary organizations, and pissing off a whole bunch of people.

A general argument from UHC (Universal Health Care) proponents is that countries like Canada, England, and Japan all do it....and it's working for them.

Flawed reasoning at best...

First of all....that is never a reason to do something. Just because 'Country X' does it, is never a reason that we should do it. People say that...take the path of least resistance...because it is the easiest thing to argue.

AND they only say that because is sounds catchy in an argument................. It doesn't work.
Every country has various nuances that deserve scrutiny.

Last time I checked population for Japan was 127 Million, England 60 Million, Canada 33 Million

Oh and Cuba, 11 Million.

How many do we have? 300 million....and growing (to include covering for illegal aliens)

In time, all those nations...will realize healthcare will get way too expensive...especially as older people live longer and population grows.

Japan is unique. Their dieting is much different...and healthier, rely a lot of public they get a lot more exercise than average forth and so forth. In other words they are probably less likely to run into health risk than the average American...and therefore may not suck up a lot of the healthcare industry resources. What is also left out of the equation is that Japan is not a happy-go-lawsuit us happy-go-Americans. (Click here for an interesting NyTimes article about lawsuits in Japan.)

Law suits give fodder to trial lawyers...and the end result is high legal cost...which inadvertantly effects health care prices and subsequently...the health care quality.

Now...I'm not faulting our legal system.

But what I am saying is...UHC proponents who use the Japanese "Model" as a basis for their argument...omit these cultural differences. Ask anyone who has ever lived in Japan. How often do you see over weight people? Those who have lived in Japan will be happy to explain the many differences between Japanese and American "mindset".

Which leads us to one of many problems with Healthcare in America...The American MINDSET.

Now I haven't seen Michael Moore's Sicko...and I won't pay a dime to see it. I'll wait to get it from the library or from a friend..... So I don't dispute or accept Michael Moore's documentary.

The problem I have with Michael Moore is........he is grossly overweight.
This is not a personal attack. As a realist...I'm going to call it how I see it.
What????!! He's not?

So how is it that Michael Moore writes and directs in the fashion and method that he does... all while he displays all the grotesque and ghastly features of an overweight person? Let's face it. Michael Moore is not the poster child for being in great health.

But if he was really concerned about healthcare you would think he would be concerned about his own body. I mean that using too much reason?

You see is about mindset. The difference between a problem solver and problem seeker is that the former is fully aware that he does not have full control of the surroundings in his environment. However, he does realize he has control over his own body...and does what he that the issues that Michael Moore brings up are mitigated.

That is why people like Michael Moore get frustrated....they want the environment to conform to their problems...which I'm not saying is entirely bad. In some cases it is warranted.

But it is bad when you omit your own personal responsibility out of the equation.

In other words YOU TOO have an obligation to fulfill your responsibilities to yourself and others. Not just the government.

Do you understand the difference?

Now, again, I don't dispute...that there is a problem in the healthcare industry. I acknowledge it.

But you do have a choice. You can sit here and wait for health-care to get better. Good Luck with that...

or you can run and maintain your own personal healthcare system.

The choice is yours.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Abortion...The A-Word

Now I'm not going to debate whether it is right or wrong.
I know for some of you will be staunch supporters for it
regardless. But let's not be in denial of every aspect that
surrounds this issue. We cannot look at one portion of the truth
and ignore the others. That would be disingenuous.

Ultimately, you have to decide where to go on this.

NOW..before you judge me...hear me out.

1- I am not going to condemn those who have had abortions here.
2- I do not think you are going to "Hell" because you had an abortion. It is not my place to judge you where you go.
3- I will never 'not' embrace a child or woman who has had an abortion (this is a tragedy no matter how you look at it)
4- If I saw anyone berate you or condemn you, I will defend you fiercely...not because I'm
defending abortion...(because I'm not)...but because this is a tragedy on all fronts. Because you
have to live with the choices you make...and that will be tough enough. You would be treated like the 'prodigal son'.

Fair Enough? Now let's begin.

For starters let's not be political correct about abortion and call it for what it is.
Many call it Pro-Choice. I call it Pro-Abortion. It's the same damn

Truth #1 It's called Pro-Choice to make you feel less guilty.
See how that works? Let's do a little mental exercise.
In that one moment that you even conceive the 'words' Pro-Abortion in your quickly say 'Pro-Choice'. Pro-choice advocates....try it.

Next, in that flash of a feel little disturbed by the stigma of abortion...and so you
quickly switch mental gears and whisper "I believe in a woman's right to choose"....ahhh Now I much feel better.

You see? The human mind rationalizes even when you are not aware of it...
Some of you are aware of it...but then quickly go in denial that you are rationalizing it.
Interesting isn't it?

The Pro-choice proponents argue "a woman has a right to choose". Fair enough.
I don't dispute it's a solid argument.

However, it does beg the question. How come you didn't choose a more responsible behavior
prior to sexual intercourse?

I mean there are condoms, birth control pills, abstinence etc..

So are you telling me you ignored all those millions of times you could have chosen responsible behavior?...and now you are so quick to reserve your right to choose?
Something doesn't sound right here. But again...let's not be in denial of what's going on.

Truth #2 Woman who go through an abortion are scarred...for life.
I guarantee you...that you will rarely find a woman who has had an abortion...and afterwards still be so vocal about pro-choice rights.

Why? Naturally it's guilt...and it's hard to be proud of something like that.

Truth #3 Woman who have not like to talk about it openly. True. The topic is Taboo among ladies. Unfortunately, this is bad. Because these stories never get out. The next generation do not hear of the possible emotional consequences associated with abortion. The stories are kept hidden.

Truth #4 Those pro-choice ladies who never had an abortion have an agenda. That agenda is based on 'Ego', not principle... the Ego of simply being a woman.

How do I know this?
Think about it? If it were based on principle...then they could not ignore the arguments I have thus made so far. But we all know that they brush it off. Why? Because they don't want to face the reality of guilt...not even for 3 seconds. Amazing isn't it? How our minds work that way.

People of definition...must acknowledge all arguments surrounding an issue. You cannot pick and choose what suits your purpose. That is disingenuous. And any reasonable person who acknowledges my reasoning...would be slow to support abortion.

Truth #5 Pro-Choice Advocates would like to silence former Pro-Choice Advocates who have changed their minds about abortion...especially a Pro-Choice Advocate who has changed her mind because of the emotional scars from an abortion. Why? Because those who had abortions are perceived to have more credibility on the stance...against abortion.

And so this is what I find interesting. How is it...that these Pro-Choice proponents do not care about someone who has been scarred by an abortion? Has their own "Agenda" become more important than "Humanity"?

Truth #6 Some Pro-Choice Advocates do not want parents to be involved...even though
the parent has a right to be involved. True.
Now why do they fear this? Because they do not want a slippery slope chain affect. They fear...the moment that Pro-life advocates gain some ground legally...then it's over for the woman's movement. Again...something that is not based on principle.

For any ladies who have had an abortion...ask yourself this: Would a hard staunch Pro-Choice Advocate really give 2 cents about your emotional scars because you had an abortion? The answer is no. They will abandon you quicker than an irresponsible boyfriend. Why? IT IS BECAUSE YOU ARE A LIABILITY FOR THEIR CAUSE. Search your know what the answer is.

Truth #7 Pro-Choice advocates fear anyone who seeks to have an abortion to be informed of the emotional consequences from an abortion. Why? Again...they fear by doing so it would create momentum against them. It would further hinder their cause. So in other words...they are perfectly willing to allow you to go through an abortion without you being informed of the emotional consequences.
Does this constitute betrayal? ....I digress.

Truth #8 and last but not least....The greatest weapon a Pro-Choice advocate silence. You see...they have to silence anything that would stand against their position. This sums up Truth 5-7. The "Taboo" stigma of abortion works in their favor.

(I have left out the male factor here...because I think it is a weak argument. A man has every right to be concern over the welfare of others...especially if it is his baby. After all (not including rape here) you willingly let him "inside" you and since you willingly let him inside you irresponsibly...then I see no reason why responsible men should be concerned over a woman's irresponsible action. Remember,... it takes two to tango. Otherwise, it is rape)

Now how does this affect politics? ...You know...politics is not so much my concern. It is the philosophical aspect that bothers me. Here is why?

1- Can I in good conscious be advocating abortion...if I love life as I know it.
2- Would I be willing to let my mother abort me?
3- Shouldn't I willing to give that life the same opportunities that I have?

These are all questions that should bother us. They should not be ignored. And that is why we at the very least, we should be hesitant to be pro-choice.

So I wonder how is it possible that those 3 bullets do not bother the first potentially female President or the first potentially black President currently running for office?
I mean why should they be given the right to run for make history and then deny that opportunity to others. I least feel guilty about it.

These are well educated candidates...and never crossed their minds? How is that possible? It should make you wonder about their mindset. How is it that something so obvious could escape their conscious? This type of mindset does not just affect abortion...but in other areas of life too.

So where do we go from here?

One. I think it is safe to say...for you ladies...not to get yourself in that position in the first place. As you can can get very messy.

Two. Do not be in denial of your feelings. If you feel guilty then let it out. Do not let others hinder your voice.

Three. For those who know others who have had not lose the opportunity to embrace them. Do not shun them. Bring them in. It is the only way to let the healing process begin.

Four. If you are pregnant and scared...don't panic...their are number of outlets that will help you make an informed decision. It is better to know the affects you will endure beforehand than afterwards when it is too late. Remember, there is always adoption.

Five. If you had an abortion strong. Others will need your help to make the right decision. If you want not ignore guilt. It is part of the process. Just remember, there will always be those who will love you. And you will be loved.

To the hard staunch Pro-choice advocate...
If you disagree with anything I said....point it out. I have laid out everything. But I have to ask you one thing...did any of you grind your teeth on what I explained to you?
You know what that means right? Look deep down know what it means.

It is an indication of anger...when confronted with the cold truth.

This is Venom.