Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Michael Moore & Me

About Universal Healthcare...and M&M (aka Michael Moore).

I'm not here to talk about Universal Healthcare in great detail.
It gives me a headache. It's very complicated and there are many factors that are associated with it. But I do acknowledge it is a problem...mainly because of affordability and quality. (And I do credit the Democrats for bringing it on the forefront of issues...however, I heavily doubt their solutions will make it any better. In fact, I think it will make it worst)

Now a lot people will say...they can't afford health insurance...
However, intuition also says... a lot of people don't put it as a priority either. I mean what do people spend their money on to begin with? I mean do you have to blow all your hard earn money on liquor? Okay bad example.

But we all know human nature...sometimes we don't prioritize it as our basic need...until something bad happens. We have forgotten the fundamentals. So from an individual standpoint...we need to look on how we can mitigate possible health care issues by using good judgment, plenty of exercise, and good dieting etc.

My intuition also tells me that a Government run healthcare, though sounds great... would add another layer of bureaucracy to an already complicated issue. Therefore slowing down the process, allocating funds to unnecessary organizations, and pissing off a whole bunch of people.

A general argument from UHC (Universal Health Care) proponents is that countries like Canada, England, and Japan all do it....and it's working for them.

Flawed reasoning at best...

First of all....that is never a reason to do something. Just because 'Country X' does it, is never a reason that we should do it. People say that...take the path of least resistance...because it is the easiest thing to argue.

AND they only say that because is sounds catchy in an argument................. It doesn't work.
Every country has various nuances that deserve scrutiny.

Last time I checked population for Japan was 127 Million, England 60 Million, Canada 33 Million

Oh and Cuba, 11 Million.

How many do we have? 300 million....and growing (to include covering for illegal aliens)

In time, all those nations...will realize healthcare will get way too expensive...especially as older people live longer and population grows.

Japan is unique. Their dieting is much different...and healthier, rely a lot of public they get a lot more exercise than average forth and so forth. In other words they are probably less likely to run into health risk than the average American...and therefore may not suck up a lot of the healthcare industry resources. What is also left out of the equation is that Japan is not a happy-go-lawsuit us happy-go-Americans. (Click here for an interesting NyTimes article about lawsuits in Japan.)

Law suits give fodder to trial lawyers...and the end result is high legal cost...which inadvertantly effects health care prices and subsequently...the health care quality.

Now...I'm not faulting our legal system.

But what I am saying is...UHC proponents who use the Japanese "Model" as a basis for their argument...omit these cultural differences. Ask anyone who has ever lived in Japan. How often do you see over weight people? Those who have lived in Japan will be happy to explain the many differences between Japanese and American "mindset".

Which leads us to one of many problems with Healthcare in America...The American MINDSET.

Now I haven't seen Michael Moore's Sicko...and I won't pay a dime to see it. I'll wait to get it from the library or from a friend..... So I don't dispute or accept Michael Moore's documentary.

The problem I have with Michael Moore is........he is grossly overweight.
This is not a personal attack. As a realist...I'm going to call it how I see it.
What????!! He's not?

So how is it that Michael Moore writes and directs in the fashion and method that he does... all while he displays all the grotesque and ghastly features of an overweight person? Let's face it. Michael Moore is not the poster child for being in great health.

But if he was really concerned about healthcare you would think he would be concerned about his own body. I mean that using too much reason?

You see is about mindset. The difference between a problem solver and problem seeker is that the former is fully aware that he does not have full control of the surroundings in his environment. However, he does realize he has control over his own body...and does what he that the issues that Michael Moore brings up are mitigated.

That is why people like Michael Moore get frustrated....they want the environment to conform to their problems...which I'm not saying is entirely bad. In some cases it is warranted.

But it is bad when you omit your own personal responsibility out of the equation.

In other words YOU TOO have an obligation to fulfill your responsibilities to yourself and others. Not just the government.

Do you understand the difference?

Now, again, I don't dispute...that there is a problem in the healthcare industry. I acknowledge it.

But you do have a choice. You can sit here and wait for health-care to get better. Good Luck with that...

or you can run and maintain your own personal healthcare system.

The choice is yours.

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